Thursday, 27 March 2014

NEW Gannet functionality: Saving the GannetFit output structure

Until now, it has been necessary to use matlab's save function to manually save the MRS-struct after a batch analysis.  This is fine, but easily forgotten, and re-doing full analyses can take time for large datasets.  Equally, saving the structure for every analysis gets tiresome and datasome.

Now we have added MRS_struct.p.mat which is set in GannetPreInitialise.m as a binary switch, to decide whether or not to save the MRS_struct as MRS_struct.mat.  If set to 1, the output is saved to the GannetFit folder.  NOTE that the folder is date-stamped but the filename is fixed, so analyses run on separate days will be kept separate, but analyses run on the same day in the same working directory will over-write the .mat file output.

1 comment:

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